Trucks & Equipment

Since 2008, G4G has sent various items of equipment to Virunga for the rangers.

Basic items to help the rangers do their jobs were always in short supply. Two Toyota Hilux trucks were shipped to Virunga loaded with vehicle spares, mountain bikes and medical supplies.

Binoculars, digital cameras, mobile phones and IT equipment were also taken to Virunga on several subsequent trips.

150 English/French dictionaries were delivered to assist many of the rangers who want to learn English, particularly with the rise in visitors from the UK and USA.
Virunga National Park is now in a position where these items no longer need to be taken out but as and when particular items may be required, G4G will try and oblige.

Huge thanks go to the many supporters who rallied round and donated items, particularly Tanya, Adrian and Dylan who gave very generously of their time and effort with vehicles.

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